Network Analysis

Residue Interaction Networks (RIN) are analyzed using a branch of Mathematics known as graph theory. In a RIN, each residue in the protein is a node in the network. An edge (or connection) between two nodes exists if there is an interaction between the two residues those nodes represent. MD-TASK considers an interaction between two residues to exist if the beta carbon atoms of the residues are within a user-defined cut-off distance (usually around 6.5 – 7.5 Å) of each other. Once the network has been constructed, there are various network measures that can be used to analyze it. Currently, MD-TASK can be used to analyze the change in betweenness centrality (BC) and average shortest path (L) of residues in a protein over a molecular dynamics simulation. This can be used to determine which residues are important for intra-protein communication and conformational changes. RINs can also be useful in the analysis of SNPs. Comparing changes in BC and L between the simulation of a wild-type and mutant protein can provide interesting insights into differences in intra-protein communication, which can affect the function of the protein.


1. Betweenness Centrality (BC)

Betweenness centrality (BC) is a measure of how important a residue is for communication within a protein. It is equal to the number of shortest paths from all vertices to all others that pass through that node. Residues in a protein that have a high BC reveal locations that tend to be important for controlling inter-domain communication in a protein.

2. Average Shortest Path(L)

The average shortest path (L) to a given residue is calculated by working out all the shortest paths to the given node and dividing by the number of paths. The average shortest path to a residue gives an idea of how accessible the residue is within the protein. This can be used to, for example, analyze SNPs. A mutation may result in a change in L of a number of residues in the protein. This may indicate that the mutation has an important effect on protein function e.g. previous studies have suggested that positions that result in high delta L values may steer conformational changes.

Calculating BC and L

Command: <options> --topology <pdb file> <trajectory>


Input (*required) Input type Flag Description
Trajectory * File   A trajectory from a molecular dynamics simulation. Can be in DCD or XTC format.
Topology * File --topology A PDB reference file for the trajectory.
Ligands CSV ligand IDs --ligands Ligands that should be included in the network construction.
Threshold Integer --threshold Distance threshold when constructing network.
Step Integer --step Step to use when iterating through trajectory frames.
Generate plots Boolean --generate-plots Set to generate figures.
Calculate BC Boolean --calc-BC Set to calculate average shortest path matrix for the network
Calculate L Boolean --calc-L Set to calculate betweenness centrality matrix for the network
Discard graphs Boolean --discard-graphs Set to discard the network once BC and L matrices have been calculated
Lazy load Boolean --lazy-load Load trajectory frames in a memory efficient manner - use for large trajectories

Note: for --calc-L to work, all nodes in the network must be accessbile from all other nodes in the network. When this is not the case, an error will occur. Try increasing the distance threshold when this happens.

Given a trajectory called wt.dcd and a topology file called wt.pdb, the following command could be used: --topology wt.pdb --threshold 7.0 --step 100 --generate-plots --calc-BC --calc-L --discard-graphs --lazy-load wt.dcd

The above command will calculate the network for every 100th frame in the trajectory. Depending on the size of your trajectory, you may want to increase this --step. Because --lazy-load was used, the trajectory will be iterated through and frames will be loaded one-at-a-time and then discarded once the network for that frame has been calculated. Leaving out the --lazy-load argument will result in the entire trajectory being loaded into memory. This can be faster for small trajectories, but should be avoided when analysing large trajectories. Edges in the network will be created between nodes that are within 7 Angstroms of each other. The average shortest path for each residue in each frame and the betweenness centrality of each residue in each frame will be calculated as both flags have been set in the above command. In addition, the --discard-graphs flag was set. As such, the networks for each frame will be discarded once BC and L have been calculated, saving disk space. By default, the networks for each frame are saved in both gml and graphml format.


Output Description
BC Matrices For each frame analyzed, an Nx1 matrix is produced, where N is the number of residues in the protein and each value represents the BC for the residue at that index
avg_L Matrices For each frame analyzed, an Nx1 matrix is produced, where N is the number of residues in the protein and each value represents the L to the residue at that index
BC & L Plots If --generate-plots flag is set, PNG figures are produced for the BC and L matrices
Network graphs If --discard-graphs flag is set, do not save the networks produced for each frame

Calculating ΔL

If the --calc-L flag in the previous command is set, a number of Nx1 L matrices will be generated. Given the trajectory wt.dcd, the matrices will be named wt_<frame>_avg_L.dat, where <frame> is the frame index in the trajectory.

Command: <options> --reference <frame> --alternatives <frames>


Input (*required) Input type Flag Description
Reference frame * File --reference Nx1 matrix to be used as the reference (normally the frame from time 0). Delta L will be worked out by comparing the alternative frames to this one.
Alternative frames * File/s --alternatives The remaining Nx1 matrices that should be compared to the reference matrix
Normalize Boolean --normalize Set this flag to normalize the values (ΔL/L)
Generate plots Boolean --generate-plots Set to generate figures

Given a set of average shortest path .dat files wt_*_avg_L.dat (generated with, the wt_0_avg_L.dat file could be used as the reference and the rest could be used as the alternatives. If wt_0_avg_L.dat is renamed to ref_wt_L.dat, the following command could be used: --normalize --generate-plots --reference ref_wt_L.dat --alternatives wt_*_avg_L.dat

The above command will generate plots as well as Nx1 matrices representing the difference in L between each alternative and the reference frame. The values will be normalized by dividing by the reference values (ΔL/L).


Output Description
ΔL Matrices Nx1 matrices representing the change in L between the reference matrix and each alternative
ΔL Plots Figures for each alternative frame, plotting the difference between L in the alternative and reference

Calculating ΔBC

If the --calc-BC flag was set when running the script, a number of Nx1 BC matrices will be generated. Given the trajectory wt.dcd, the matrices will be named wt_<frame>_bc.dat, where <frame> is the frame index in the trajectory.

Command: <options> --reference <frame> --alternatives <frames>


Input (*required) Input type Flag Description
Reference frame * File --reference Nx1 matrix to be used as the reference (normally the frame from time 0). Delta BC will be worked out by comparing the alternative frames to this one.
Alternative frames * File/s --alternatives The remaining Nx1 matrices that should be compared to the reference matrix
Generate plots Boolean --generate-plots Set to generate figures

Given a set of BC .dat files wt_*_bc.dat (generated with, the wt_0_bc.dat file could be used as the reference and the rest could be used as the alternatives. If the wt_0_bc.dat is renamed to ref_wt_bc.dat, the following command could be used: --generate-plots --reference ref_wt_bc.dat --alternatives wt_*_bc.dat

The above command will generate plots as well as Nx1 matrices representing the difference in BC between each alternative and the reference frame.


Output Description
ΔBC Matrices Nx1 matrices representing the change in BC between the reference matrix and each alternative
ΔBC Plots Figures for each alternative frame, plotting the difference between BC in the alternative and reference

Calculating Average BC and L (and standard deviation)

The script can be used to calculate and plot the average BC and L as well as the standard deviation of these measurements over the course of the trajectory.

Command: <options> --data-type <BC/delta-BC/L/delta-L> --data <matrices>


Input (*required) Input type Flag Description
Data * File/s --data The .dat files that will be averaged
Data types * Text --data-type Type of data - BC/delta-BC/L/delta-L
Prefix Text --prefix Prefix used to name outputs
Generate plots Boolean --generate-plots Generate figures/plots
X axis label Text --x-label Label for x-axis (use $Delta$ for delta sign)
Y axis label Text --y-label Label for y-axis (use $Delta$ for delta sign)
Max Y axis value Integer --y-max Maximum value on y-axis
Min Y axis value Integer --y-min Minimum value on y-axis
Graph title Text --title Title of plot (use $Delta$ for delta sign)
X-axis start value Integer --initial-x The start index of the X-axis
Split position Integer --split-pos Position to split the network at for large networks. Splits the plot at the given position to create two plots. Useful when analysing a dimer.
Graph title 1 Text --title-1 Title of first plot
Graph title 2 Text --title-2 Title of second plot
X-axis start value 1 Integer --initial-x-1 The start index of the x-axis for the first plot
X-axis start value 2 Integer --initial-x-2 The start index of the x-axis for the second plot

Given a set of .dat files generated by one of the previous commands (e.g. wt_*_bc_delta_BC.dat), the following command could be used: --data wt_*_bc_delta_BC.dat --data-type delta-BC --prefix wt --generate-plots --x-label "Residues" --y-label "Avg delta BC" --title "Wild Type"

The above command will generate two new .dat files and a PNG plot. The first .dat file, wt_delta_bc_avg.dat, contains an Nx1 matrix with the average ΔBC values for each residue over the course of the simulation. The second .dat file, wt_delta_bc_std_dev.dat, contains the standard deviation of ΔBC for each residue over the course of the simulation. The graph plots residues on the X axis and ΔBC on the Y axis. The average values are shown as a line and the standard deviation, representing the fluctuation of ΔBC over the course of the trajectory, are shown as error bars over each residue. Note that in the above example, we have calculated the average and standard deviation of ΔBC, but can be used with any set of Nx1 matrix (BC/ΔBC/L/ΔL).


Output Description
Average .dat file Nx1 matrix representing the average BC/ΔBC/L/ΔL values from the input matrics
Std dev .dat file Nx1 matrix representing the standard deviation of the BC/ΔBC/L/ΔL values of the input matrics
Plot The plotted values from the above matrices

SNP Analysis - wild-type vs mutant trajectories

Two scripts have been added for comparing BC/ΔBC/L/ΔL graphs. Essentially, all these scripts do is plot the values from different trajectories on the same set of axes. The first script plots two trajectories, a ‘reference’ and ‘alternative’ against each other using a normal line graph.

Command: <options> --reference <reference .dat> --alternative <alternative .dat>


Input (*required) Input type Flag Description
Reference .dat file * File --reference The reference Nx1 matrix
Alternative .dat file * File --alternative The alternative Nx1 matrix
Prefix Text --prefix Prefix used to name outputs
Label for reference traj Text --reference-label The label that will be used on the plot for the reference matrix
Label for alternative traj Text --alternative-label The label that will be used on the plot for the alternative matrix
Y axis label Text --y-label Label for y-axis (use $Delta$ for delta sign)
Max Y axis value Integer --y-max Maximum value on y-axis
Min Y axis value Integer --y-min Minimum value on y-axis

For example, if we had two trajectories, wt.dcd and mutant.dcd, and we analyzed both trajectories as discussed above, we would end up with 4 files:

  • wt_delta_bc_avg.dat (and/or wt_delta_L_avg.dat)
  • wt_delta_bc_std_dev.dat (and/or wt_delta_L_std_dev.dat)
  • mutant_delta_bc_avg.dat (and/or mutant_delta_L_avg.dat)
  • mutant_delta_bc_std_dev.dat (and/or mutant_delta_L_std_dev.dat)

We could compare the above files with the following two commands: --prefix "wt_mutant_avg" --reference-label Wild-type --alternative-label Mutant --y-label "Delta BC" --reference wt_delta_bc_avg.dat --alternative mutant_delta_bc_avg.dat --prefix "wt_mutant_std_dev" --reference-label Wild-type --alternative-label Mutant --y-label "Delta BC" --reference wt_delta_bc_std_dev.dat --alternative mutant_delta_bc_std_dev.dat

The output of these commands will provide two figures containing the average ΔBC of the mutant and wild type trajectories plotted against each other for comparison purposes.


Output Description
Comparison plot Plot comparing Nx1 matrix of reference .dat file with alternative .dat file

SNP Analysis - wild-type vs mutants heatmap

Where the above script allows the comparison of two matrices, the second comparison script,, allows the comparison of many trajectories via a heatmap in which the rows represent the trajectories and the columns represent residues.

Command: <options> --reference <reference avg .dat> --reference-std <reference std dev .dat> --alternatives <alternative avg .dats> --alternatives-std <alternative std dev .dats>


Input (*required) Input type Flag Description
Reference avg .dat file * File --reference The .dat files that will be averaged
Reference std_dev .dat file * Text --reference-std Type of data - BC/delta-BC/L/delta-L
Alternatives avg .dat file * File --alternatives The .dat files that will be averaged
Alternatives std_dev .dat file * Text --alternatives-std Type of data - BC/delta-BC/L/delta-L
Use absolute values Boolean --absolute Convert all values on the heatmap to absolute values
Prefix Text --prefix Prefix used to name outputs
Graph title Text --title Title of plot (use $Delta$ for delta sign)
X axis label Text --x-label Label for x-axis (use $Delta$ for delta sign)
Y axis label Text --y-label Label for y-axis (use $Delta$ for delta sign)
X-axis start value Integer --initial-x The start index of the X-axis
Split position Integer --split-pos Position to split the hetamap at for large proteins/complexes. Splits the plot at the given position to create two plots. Useful when analysing a dimer.
Graph title 1 Text --title-1 Title of first plot
Graph title 2 Text --title-2 Title of second plot
X-axis start value 1 Integer --initial-x-1 The start index of the x-axis for the first plot
X-axis start value 2 Integer --initial-x-2 The start index of the x-axis for the second plot

Given a set of analyzed trajectories, they can be compared to a wild type trajectory using the following command: --reference wt_delta_BC_avg.dat --reference-std wt_delta_BC_std_dev.dat --alternatives mutant_*_delta_BC_avg.dat --alternatives-std mutant_*_delta_BC_std_dev.dat --absolute --prefix my_protein_delta --title "My Protein" --x-label "Residues" --y-label "Proteins"

The above command will produce a PNG with 2 heatmaps for comparing the average and standard deviation Nx1 BC matrices of the wild-type protein with those of the mutated proteins.


Output Description
Comparison plot 2 heatmaps comparing average and standard deviation values of a wild type protein with a number of mutated proteins

SNP Analysis - residue contact map

A weighted residue contact map allows the user to determine how often, throughout the trajectory, a residue was interacting with surrounding residues. A contact map can be generated at a position containing a SNP and compared to the same position in the wild type protein to determine whether the SNP affect the immediate interactions at that position.

Command: <options> --trajectory <trajectory> --topology <pdb file>


Input (*required) Input type Flag Description
Trajectory * File   A trajectory from a molecular dynamics simulation. Can be in DCD or XTC format.
Topology * File --topology A PDB reference file for the trajectory.
Residue Text --residue The residue in the trajectory to build the contact map around
Threshold Float --threshold Distance threshold in Angstroms when constructing network (default: 6.7).
Prefix Text --prefix Prefix used to name outputs

Given two trajectories, wt.dcd and mutant.dcd, where a mutation, ASP31ASN, occurs, the following could be used to build contact maps around position 31 in both trajectories: --residue ASP31 --prefix wt --topology wt.pdb wt.dcd --residue ASN31 --prefix mutant --topology mutant.pdb mutant.dcd

For each of the commands above, a contact map in PDF format will be produced, as well as a CSV file containing the calculated values. The contact maps can be compared visually to give an idea of the changes cause by the mutation.


Output Description
Contact map Network with weighted edges depicting how often residues are interacting with the selected residue over the course of the simulation
Contact network (CSV) Network in CSV format